Friday, July 31, 2015

I miss you!!!

It's been so long that I almost forgotten my blog. Work is hectic, other times, busy with my two darlings, including trying to squeeze time out for some craft work. That explains the missing in action. Though I wasn't active here online, I'm pretty happy that I managed to get some projects going.

I shall post starting with my latest project.

Project 1: Design goodie bags for my little girl's birthday. An owl goodie bag.

The challenging part of this project is to make the steps as simple as I can, so that I can teach my 6 yo to help make it. Secondly, it should not take up too much time. (My hubby said people would just throw them away.) I still insist that I will do it, it's therapeutic and my 6 yo will be delighted.

Project 2: Set up a sweets and snacks table for my little girl's birthday party.
My girl and I decided her party has to be memorable and cozy. Hence, we have a smal party and invited three other families to join us. I was thinking to have a birthday party mood, a nice table setup would help. So here we have.